Workshop - Communicating the impact of your research

A lot of hard work and time goes into conducting research. And then more time and work goes into publishing the results. And yet sadly many papers are never read and many findings are never translated into practice. So how do you communicate effectively about your research and its impact? This is important to fulfil funding obligations, to create further funding and collaboration opportunities, to encourage the application of your findings and for your own career.

In this workshop you will learn strategies for:

  • Developing a communication strategy
  • Pitching your message to the your audience
  • How to make it accessible without dumbing down
  • Dealing with media
  • Using new media
  • Developing your one minute pitch
  • Dealing with the discomfort of it all


Who is it for?

Any researcher or research student who wants to better communicate their research.


2 1/2 - 3 hours for an unlimited number of participants