Workshop - 12 weeks to publication

Many researchers have a publication that is nearly there but never seems to actually get there. This program helps researchers get that work in progress ready for publication.

The program begins with a short session (2 hours) where participants :

  • work out exactly where the article is now (%complete)
  • develop a plan of when they are going to write each week for the next 12 weeks
  • identify any help they might need and how to get it.
  • learn some good writing practices

At the end of this session each participant has a plan and know exactly what their next step is.

Email coaching

Every week for the following 12 weeks participants will receive email following up on progress and re-enforcing the ideas covered in the workshop. This coaching will provide advice on how to deal with obstacles etc.

6 week review

After 6 weeks we will review progress. The participant will provide an update on what they have achieved and plan what they will do for the coming 6 weeks.

12 week report

At the end of the program participants will provide a report on progress made on their writing task. If the article isn’t ready for submission we will work out a finishing plan. What needs to be done and when.


Any researcher currently working on a writing project.


Limit 8-10 participants.